Monday, August 11, 2008

You don't say?

In an effort to help Max turn the word "fro" into "throw", I showed him how fun it is to stick out your tongue while making a "th" sound. He tried over and over again, unsuccessfully, and then sighed and shrugged, "You know, Mom, we don't speak the same language. I think I like to say it my way."

Obviously, our discussion about the different languages spoken during the Olympics is really helping him grasp linguistic variation.

Max has also decided that he needs to wear a belt with every item of clothing, particularly over long shirts and outer wear. This was a look that I experimented with in the 1980's, (unsuccessfully, much like my attempt at speech pathology above), so I don't really feel like I'm qualified to critique his fashion choices. But I do question why it has to be cinched so tight that it feels like I'm dressing Scarlet O'Hara at Tara before Ashley Wilkes comes by for an Iced Julip.

Mr. Wonderful refers to Max's belt as an Obi and encourages him to "be wise". Because four year olds who can't master a "th" sound are so often capable of jedi-like wisdom.

Sam sees the belt more as a "Bob The Builder" functional fashion choice, calling out "WORK IT!, WORK IT!" to his brother, who begs for it to be pulled tighter, as if they're auditioning for America's Next Top Model.

Maybe it's time I fro away some of my own belts and share them with a jedi or worker. It would be far more entertaining and much more comfortable.

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