Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

A clean canvas (and clean boy)

Before anyone gets concerned or worried that I'll be getting the blow torch or chain saw out shortly, those aren't safety goggles. They are swim goggles.

Swim goggles that Max wears on his head regularly. Like during air travel (he had them on when we flew to visit my parents last week), meal times, art projects and any other opportunity where they might be needed.

Just not in a pool, or any other swimming environment. They don't feel good over his eyes, but apparently, they feel very good on his head.

Go figure.

Later today, when the boys were out playing and I was doing something inside, I heard the blissful ring of cheery voices and jubilant giggles.

Awww, now that's music to a mama's ears. Nothing makes me happier than the sound of my children's laughter.

And nothing concerns me more, either.

Upon further investigation, I found the entire box of chalk dumped in the garage, where it had been mutilated by a big wheel.

When my jaw dropped, Max explained that he had done it because he knew that I liked rainbows and that he wanted me to have a rainbow racecar track.

Troubles melting like lemon drops in the land of lullabies and Nascar racing.

You gotta smile at this guy...

"If happy little bluebirds fly
Beyond the rainbow
Why, then oh why can't I?"