Saturday, March 8, 2008

Oh, if it were that easy...

Max: "Come on Mom, let's go get a new baby."

Me: "Where do you get a baby, Max?"

Max: "At the baby store. You pick one out and you put in your belly and when you're ready, you bloom it out and have a nice, tiny baby to hold. Come on. Let's go. I'll show you."


Yesterday, there was a helium balloon tragedy, where upon a red balloon escaped the hands of a 22 month old boy's pudgy and inexperienced paws. In an instant, it floated to the very tallest part of the house where it was cearly out of reach and teasing those below.

"Mom, " Max informed me in all seriousness, "I think we need to get a giraffe."

Of course we do.


Leah said...

ROFL!!!!!!!!!! I love Max.

And good luck acquiring a giraffe...

Aaron Skiffington said...

They have one at the consignment store but I think you might want a bigger one. Ben has two little ones but it would be a fight to get an animal away from him. Like a car in your house. Thanks for meeting us at the park. D