Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Plague Upon Us

Just a fair warning to those in the 'hood that we seem to have IT. That being the "bug" that's going around that everyone's been talking's here in my crib. Sam's got an ear infection with high fever (thank you, dear go forth and multiply and kill that pesky bacteria on the far side of his bulging eustacian tube). I, too, have succumbed to the fever (oooh, how very Bronte that sounds) and feel like crap. Achy, chillish, hotish, and in general, not good. Not even strong coffee gave me a cure this morning. Max is developing symptoms, but seems in remarkably good spirits. He told me this morning that he likes spending time with me. Pretty emotive for an under-the-weather almost four year old. He also said that he liked staying up late last night. For the record, it was a very early bedtime, but I told him that I could only read him one story because Mommy needed to get to bed, too. I was yawning, cranky and ready to collapse. I think he thought that since it was my bedtime it must be pretty late. I was conked out before 8:15 pm. So maybe his reality isn't accurate in an empirical sense, but hey, he likes to spend time with me. I like spending time with him, too. Most of the time. Right now I'd like to be in bed.

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