Sunday, June 1, 2008

"Sew many nights, I sit by my Viking..."

I've been dusting off the ol' sewing machine and trying to put some domestic jo-jo into my life. It has resulted in the total destruction of the room in which the sewing machine resides, and a few cute projects, too. I'm delighted to be creating with the same Viking Husqvarna machine that my mom's mom used during the year of my birth and the decades that followed.

But as all parents of small children know, the time for personal projects is preciously rare. I tried including the kids with me, hoping to nurture creativity and teach some basic geometry concepts.

Until my bobbin thread ended up as a lasso and was then unraveled and transformed into a fishing weight, I still can't find a critical piece of fabric, and Max begs constantly to "operate the auger drill."

Martha Stewart never had to work in these conditions.

I snuck some quality work in during Sam's naps this week. I was almost done with a corner piece when the little guy woke up crying. I sent Max in to tell him it was okay and I'd be right in.

I heard a few tears, then whispers, then giggles and giggles.


or, if you know these boys,

"What the hell are they up to?"

The price I pay for solitude.

Maybe it is time for a pummel horse around here.


Leah said...

haha haa!!

sidenote, I spotted the crib in the picture, honestly, before I paid attention to what the boys (Max) were doing. I dearly dearly wish we still had our crib. I saw the crib and my heart got all sad. not for any sentimental reasons, but for the pure and simple fact that CONNOR WENT TO BED AT A DECENT TIME-FRAME when he was CONFINED to the crib (minus the few times he climbed out and landed hard on his back, hense the reason for getting rid of the crib in the first place) enough about that

your boys are hilarious.

Anonymous said...

Cute little mischief makers!
You have to love that a big brother can keep a little brother happy!