Friday, June 20, 2008


Howl at the moon

Eat cherries until your chin turns purple

Wear three bathing suits. In one day.

Grill a steak

Take a bath outside

Paint yourself green and call it Summer

Love it.

I do.


Leah said...

start the day out in swim suits, alternate between sprinkler and slip n' slide ALL DAY, have a picnic lunch OUTSIDE in the SUN, be so covered in grass, dirt, scrapes and food that you resemble swamp monsters...DONE (oh, and enjoying your second birthday on the first real summery feeling day in a long dang time...PRICELESS) Somehow, I thought that's where you were going with that post and then you didn't, so I did. LOL! I'm glad you guys enjoyed the day Rennie. I'm liking the outdoor painting idea! I will have to remember that!!

Betsy Hart said...

Play at the windy cold beach, wish you were somewhere warmer, then look at the incredble ocean and be glad you are right there spending your fifth wedding annivarsary with your husband, in one of your favorite places.
Thank God for summer!!